reputable maskenschnitzers / mask makers
Finding your first, wood carved mask is a challenge. Where do I go? Who do I speak to? How do I reach out? Can I trust them? Do they speak English? This post is intended to help you browse through known, reputable mask makers in Austria, so you have a greater chance at connecting with an artist, and acquire that perfect mask for your Krampus costume. Please note, that the publication of these mask makers is no guarantee of their quality or your satisfaction with their work. This is intended as a guide to help you in the process.
When selecting your mask from Europe, it’s important that you connect with reputable artists. There are a lot of social media scams right now, with people looking to sell masks (new or used) and will be offering them at really low costs, or for a bid. I strongly advise against reaching out to these sellers, as they’re likely fraud, and you will pay for a product you’ll never receive.
Wood carved masks are art. They’re designed and made by trained craftspeople who are skilled in their craft. As such…they’re not cheap. When considering your mask, look at it as an investment in an art piece. They’re wearable sculptures with a high quality that can be passed down for generations. You’re not purchasing a disposable piece of a Halloween costume that you’ll discard after a few uses. You’ll potentially have this mask for a lifetime, and it’s worth the investment.
As you connect with an Austrian artist, many do not speak English. If you’re able to speak German, or know someone who does, your communications will be much more efficient. Nevertheless, Google Translate does a great job with written communication, and many mask makers are used to communicating with American customers through this tool.
Whether your mask is custom / new or used, keep in mind that the mask will not likely arrive “ready to wear.” As they are wooden masks, and you won’t likely be present for a fitting, be prepared to make some of your own customizations. Most frequently, this is padding and strapping for a more snug fit. For padding, most performers use glued carpet padding covered by soft deer skin (fur removed) that you can order from Amazon. Most masks will arrive with a strapping mechanism to secure it to your head. Depending on the material and fit, it may require you to make adjustments. You may have to switch from elastic strapping to leather or synthetic, non-expandable straps. Other options are snowboard bindings or the interior mechanism of a construction hard hat. Some other alterations can sometimes include adding fur hair (if not included in the design), drilling ear holes for hearing, or widening eye and breathing holes. It’s important to know that even though you may spend a lot of money on a design, it may not be a perfect fit, right out of the box.
If ordering internationally, please make sure to order in time for the mask maker to make the mask, and leave time in your expectations and planning, for U.S. Customs. Krampus costume items can often take as long as two full months to clear customs and will delay the receipt of your mask. The mask maker can guarantee shipping for the timing that is within their control. Make sure to add 8 additional weeks to the shipping date to manage your own plans and expectations.
Krampus Seattle has done an incredible job at connecting with international mask makers. Though not all quality may have been confirmed through purchases, they have published links to reputable mask makers via their social media. Many of the mask makers require you to reach out via social media first, or may have a link to their email or website for more information. Here are a few they have published, to give you a start on your research.
For any mask makers wishing to be removed from this link, please contact Krampus America using the contact form.
Click on the photos of each mask maker for more examples of their work and contact info

Rettei Masken

GH Carving (U.S. Based Mask Maker)

Stefan Koidl

Holzmasken Philipps

Marco Jurak Maskenschnitzer

Maskenschmiede Koller

Schröfl Masken


Holzkunst Eder Sebastian

Ainberger Masken

Sascha Pozewaunig

Petzlberger Christian

Schoatnhex - The Woodcarving Witch

Petr Vališ

Kronthaler Masken

Holzmasken Florian Imler

Langegger Masken

Holzkunst Thomas Juri

Bildhauermeister Roider

Pazi Masks from Spielberg

Johann Masken

Mitterermasken Original

Bernard Zach

Luca Pojer

Endei Loavn Woodcarving

Egerbacher Masken



David Fuchs

Wurni loavn

Orco Masken

Rene Reschreiter

Philipp Waldhauser

Fröhlich Masken

Stillerer Loavn

Bauer Masken

Maskenschnitzer Christian Lipp

Gerald Krug Loavn

MÖRTL Daniel

Moinat Masken

Markus Spiegel

Radauer Masten

Josef Schiffmann - Bildhauer

Einwaller Lederschadl

Mair Mask

Florian Brauer Loavnschnitzer

M Pregl - Holz & Maskenschnitzerei

Bildhauer Christoph Jansen

Holzkunst Alexander Bischoff

Reinhard Feldinger

Neubauer Masken

Enk Masken

Holzmasken Stadler

Petzl Masken
