register your group

Krampus America is creating a group registry of Krampus Groups / Troupes / Passes and Krampus Performers across America! Join us and let people know who you are, what you do, and how they might be able to get involved with you and see your group in action!

This registration is for groups, troupes, or passes. Click on the button below for individual Krampus Performers.

register your group with us.

Please share details about your group with us. We will publish your registration on the Krampus America website, with social media links and contact information, should you wish for it to be shared.

When completing the form, the intended audience is people who already know about Krampus. There’s no need to go into detail about the tradition, folklore, or characters…unless there’s a specific nuance for your group.

Fill out my online form.