the wild hunt of vista

Tania Yager, Sydney Kerr, and Rey Hernandez
Vista, California
year established:
The Wild Hunt of Vista is a group of individuals dedicated to sharing education and performance of winter folk characters and spirits from European regions. From multiple Krampuse, Icelandic Yule Lads, Shnabelperchet, La Befanas, Welsh Mari Lwyds, and Winter fairies, we represent the wealth of dark Yuletide spirits from across our great lands!
types of events:
Primarily host the Dark Xmas Market of Vista and attend other Krampus walks and photo events in the local area
annual events:
The Dark Xmas Market of Vista - Second Saturday of Every December
unique resources:
Organization, Teaching Krampus puppet making (Giant festival & parade size and smaller) Krampus and other winter themed puppetry
accepting new members?
new member criteria:
Must have your own good quality cosplay and attend organization meetings (online or in person) leading up to The Dark Xmas Market.