minnesota krampus (pig's eye pass)

Tyrone Schenk
Saint Paul, Minnesota in the Minnesota and Upper Midwest / Western Great Lakes area
year established:
Minnesota Krampus is a 501(c)(3) educational charity, comprised of a volunteer membership that spans 6 US states and Austria, with a mission of preserving and promoting the alpine tradition of Sankt Nikolaus and his Krampus as celebrated in the mountains of Salzburgland. We are a traditional Krampus organization with all of our wooden masks, suits, and bells all created by master artisans in Austria and imported into the US. We work hard to present authentic Austrian Krampus - even here in the US. Our organization actively imports new masks and suits each year to grow our herd/pack of Krampus. Our St Nikolaus is an ordained minister and is at the center of our tradition and a vital part of our educational mission. We teach people about Krampus at public events with our education booth, present Krampus at several public and private schools each year, bring Krampus "alive" for people to experience (between mid-November and mid-December), and also fund an annual college scholarship for students interested in learning topics involving the Alps or it's people (more information on this available on our wesbite). Our founder (Tyrone) studied in Salzburg Austria during college, has presented "Krampus Talks" at dozens of events/conventions/schools/universities since moving back to the US, and has been interviewed extensively for outlets local, national, and Austria. For more information on our organization, check out our website.
types of events:
MN Krampus does not host any event or Krampuslauf. We are hired to bring authenticity and entertrainment to events.
annual events:
Public events between mid-November through mid-December, with winter parades Jan/Feb, and educational outreach during fall months. Event details on our website.
unique resources:
Organizational design/structure strategy, identifying vision and branding, and topics of research and risk
accepting new members?
new member criteria:
We have an application process with a review/vote by our Board of Directors.
social media:
contact info: