krampus bremerton

Eric Morley
Bremerton, Washington and the Puget Sound Area
year established:
Celebrating the Bavarian tradition, Krampus Bremerton brings Yuletide fun to the Kitsap Peninsula and the surrounding Puget Sound area. Krampus is a centuries old tradition, pre-dating St. Nicholas, inspiring people to be nice by deterring naughty behavior. Krampus is a horned, half-goat creature that traditionally emerges on December 5th every year. Taking queues from Perchten tradition, Krampus Bremerton makes appearances throughout the Yuletide season. With a formal festival started in 2022, Krampus and his friends appear in downtown Bremerton on the first Saturday of every December, for Krampusnacht Bremerton.
types of events:
Traditional Krampuslauf with associated festivities. Also appears at October festivals, haunted houses, and other engagements around the Puget Sound area of western Washington State.
annual events:
Krampusnacht Bremerton (first Saturday in December)
accepting new members?
new member criteria:
Krampus Bremerton welcomes everyone to participate! Whether you’re interested in joining our events as a business, dressing up in your own costume, attending an event, or wanting more information. Attend one of the Krampus Socials throughout the year, usually located close to downtown Bremerton, and get to know others in the western Washington Krampus community.